Car Title Loan With No Income Verification
Life may not be easy, so every person faces financial difficulties from time to time and needs money. Of course, it can be quite difficult to find a suitable loan with a bad credit history, but now there are a huge number of offers on the Internet. If you have a title in your name, then Title Loan may be your way out. However, what if you are unemployed?
Even if at the moment you do not have a traditional source of income, this does not mean at all that you cannot get funding. Thus, if you prove to the lender that you have regular payments, your loan application is likely to be approved.
What Should I Know About Title Loan?
First of all, you should understand that the Title Loan is a short-term secured type of financing, so you will have to pay off the debt on the day of your next paycheck. You also need to have a title in your name in order to be able to apply as the loan is secured. Therefore, you must temporarily transfer the title to the lender while the loan is repaid.
Is It Possible To Get A Loan With No Income Verification?
Many borrowers are wondering if it is possible to get a loan without proof of income, and the answer is yes. If at the moment you do not have a traditional job, this does not mean at all that you do not have the money to cover the loan with interest. Thus, you must confirm that you are receiving some kind of regular payments in order for the lender to get a guarantee that you are a solvent borrower.
What Can Be Qualified As A Source Of Income?
Surely you understand that the sources of income can be different. Thus, even if you do not have a job, lenders accept other payments as proof of income.
- Government benefits. If you receive benefits such as Social Security, pension, disability benefits and so on, you will be glad to know that they qualify as a source of income.
- Under the table income. If you do a job and receive cash for services, you can also get a Title Loan. In order to do this, your employer must sign a letter with your name, services, and the amount you receive.
- Inheritance. You most likely know that inheritance can also qualify as a source of income if you receive payments on a regular basis.
- Alimony. Most title lenders also qualify child support and alimony as proof of income, which helps young parents get money for their needs.
Requirements For A Car Title Loan
Eligibility criteria for obtaining a Title Loan with no proof of income may vary depending on the lender and state laws. However, most often, the main ones remain unchanged:
- Be a US citizen or official resident
- Be at least 18 years of age or older
- Have a regular monthly source of income
- Have an active bank account
- Have a government issued ID
- Provide social security number
- Provide phone and email
You must also provide documents for the car:
- Current vehicle registration
- Vehicle insurance proof
- Proof of residency matching the name on the title
- Government issued identification matching the name on the title
- Original vehicle title with solo ownership
Can I Get A Loan With Bad Credit?
Title lenders work with different types of credit, so you can get financing even if you have had problems paying off your debts in the past. Moreover, title lenders receive the title of your car as collateral, so they have a kind of guarantee that your debt will be paid on time. However, you should understand that a Title Loan is a rather risky type of financing, so you need to be sure that you can repay the debt before you apply and receive money.